Kinetic Updates

Kinetic Updates

Scroll down to see what God is doing in Cushing!!!

Kinetic church blessing our neighborhood this fall

  • Packing candy bags and door sign gifts

  • Beautiful evening for a walk in the neighborhood.

Kinetic Fathers and their kids cleaned Cherry Street!

The new sign is complete!!! Thank you Core Church, and thank you Molly for painting it!!!

Summer Baptism Service

Four people made a profession of faith through public baptism! We are excited to continue sharing the Gospel and discipling those who come to Christ!

Come Join Us As We Clean Cherry Street!

Summer Painting

Thank you to Kate and David for painting the outside of our building! It looks so great! Stay tuned for pictures of our new sign and landscaping!

Cafe Remodel

Thank you to Paula and Core Church for funding and working toward making The Cafe a welcoming place to visit!

Diaper Closet Donations!!!

Thank you Lord for generous donations! We even had some formula during the shortage to bless a few families!!!